a day in the life of a primary music teacher in Japan
by VJ Leith
I work in an international school in Tokyo as a Primary Music teacher. A day in the life starts around 2am when I wake up and there is a song going round and round in my head! Do you ever get this? Whichever song we’re working on the most, that is the one that sticks! And it’s there at 4am, when my alarm goes off at 6am, when I get the train… and so on!
But it’s also great that my mind is already firing on all musical cylinders before I reach the school. Depending on the day, depends on the activities and year groups that I will work with but let’s take a typical Tuesday.
I have a before-school body percussion club, which is a highlight! I get to dance too and the children love learning complex rhythm patterns and creating their own. It’s a 40-minute session and we’re in the dance studio which means… mirrors! These can be a help or a hindrance - good to use but not to rely on them.
I have music sessions running through the day ranging from Reception, to Year 6. This is class-based music and we have a vast range of activities but always musicianship, rhythm, movement, dancing, singing and self-expression are part of each session.
I run a lunch-time club and work on the school show with our team after school - in between times, I make the most of the power of the minute, with admin tasks, contacting parents, connecting with colleagues, making sure I take my breaks and rest so that in each lesson, I am there, ready to give my all. It is ALL too easy for me to keep working through breaks so this year, I am ensuring that I get out for fresh air, go for walks and chat with friends.
Each day is different and varied and we have a good amount of non-contact time which means I have space in the day to work on the Year 6 song with their raps or practise the show songs, watch videos to deepen my own practice and play the piano or ukulele, warm up my own vocals… the list is endless.
Then it’s a train ride and walking home and family time. I only teach music which works fabulously for my brain - but music is broad and varied and my day is never boring!
How was your day?