From music fear to music hero!
by V J Leith
Many educators I speak to, whether they are parents in the home or teaching staff in a school setting - including people who teach everything (Maths, Geography, Science, English, French, PE… the list seems endless!) share that they do not feel confident teaching Music. I have highlighted the word teaching - and we will come back to that later!
When we look at the why, we find out that sometimes, it is because of one or more of the following:
They had an experience when they were younger that diminished their self-esteem around musical activities. This could include: being shouted at, forced to practice through fearful tactics, told to mime during singing performances (SO many people have sadly had this happen to them), shamed or blamed for leaving a musical activity, such as choir (I remember being told off very severely for telling my music teacher that I wanted to leave the choir. I didn’t get it then and I don’t get it now! I was shamed into rejoining - which I did!)
They were banned from music lessons as a punishment/consequence for something else (we never hear of people missing Maths or English lessons as a punishment but I have heard many stories, even now, of children having to miss Music and Art due to behaviour issues!)
They never had music lessons, and don’t feel qualified to teach it as a separate subject
They don’t think they have a ‘good’ singing voice and are worried that children will laugh at them or not take them seriously.
They feel too embarrassed to share music - perhaps due to emotions felt, how vulnerable they feel… the list can go on - perhaps you can add your own thoughts to this list.
These are all genuine concerns and stories and in many cases, have been traumatic experiences with long-lasting and far-reaching effects.
If you are wanting to bring more music into the home environment or the classroom, consider that perhaps we can come away from the word teaching and instead, replace with sharing and letting children experience music. Breaking the cycle might mean considering a few things.
Nobody owns music! There are many different ways to ‘teaching’ but music is a gift to us all, to bring us joy, to dance to, to feel emotions - like a soundtrack to our lives!
Starting from the smallest thing you can do, clicking play and letting children listen to music they have never heard before, now that is great start! I became a musician/songwriter/performer by listening to music as a child - a lot! Every day!
Your children might not become accomplished musicians when they are older - but yet again, is this our goal? Music connects us to the universe! It can help us in every single thing we do in life - so if your child is very interested in sports, still play music, still listen to music, still learn an instrument!
Often, the pressures we put on ourselves are made by our past experiences and worries about what other people will think. I was never aware that I was learning music - at home, it was just part of life - getting the instruments out, seeing my dad play, listening to records, dancing, having fun, driving in the car, listening to more music, eating Sunday dinner, listening to the Top 40 and doing the big countdown to see who would be number 1…! All of these moments had one thing in common. No pressure - and relaxed brain!
It takes courage to take this step!
The step that enables others!
The step out of the comfort zone.
The step that turns away from the scarring experiences of the past and into a future, with your children, giving them new opportunities.
I would encourage you to know that you are not alone.
I would encourage you to start small.
I would encourage you to make use of all the wonderful resources there are out for you, to take the heat away, at least for the time-being.
I would encourage you to often let the children lead the way - it not only puts them in positive leadership roles, but you can say to your class, ‘I am new to this too - let’s learn together!' Ask them for their ideas too - hand-clapping games are a good place to start. Do they know a rhythm pattern? Can they teach it to the class or their siblings or you?!
Imagine this experience being like pouring water into a jug that is filled with mud and dirt. The more you pour, the clearer the water will become. The more you press play, or share a resource, or ask a child to lead part of the session, or that you aim to be one step ahead of your class, the clearer it will become - and you can replace those old memories with crystal clear, lovely new ones!
Your children will love you for it!
Do you have 30 minutes?
Let’s try this together!
NB Get the children to be part of all of this, every step of the way. They find it exciting! I even get my children to press play for the music, hand out the paper and pencils, clap a rhythm to bring everyone back together (or bang a drum, or whatever instrument you have to hand!)
Clear the tables and chairs or book the hall if you have one. Get the children to stand in a circle. (I do this with Early Years all the way up to Year 6)
Play your children a piece of music - I love a song called Gambia by musician/composer Sona Jobarteh - (don’t show the the video just yet) Invite your children to move to the music but to stay in one place.
Start tapping the beat and invite them to join you
Ask them were else they can find the beat
Start moving around the room (you included!), keeping the beat. As it nears the end of the song, bring them back into the circle and finish off with everyone tapping the beat or dancing freely! I have done this with different year groups and by the end, we’re having a dance party and Year 6s are throwing some of the best moves and forgetting they were ever self-conscious in the first place.
After, ask them to chat to the person next to them, with these questions to discuss: What did you notice about the music? What did it sound like? Did you recognise any instruments? How did the music make you feel?
Give them paper, colouring pencils and clipboards/boards/something to lean on. Play the song again and ask them to draw how they feel whilst listening
Play the song two or three times! Try this!
Ask the children to find someone they don’t usually work with. Ask them to discuss their art and the music.
Gather them back, invite a couple of sharings and then show them a picture of Sona Jobarteh
Play the video of Gambia
If you wanted to, you could now ask the children to start a project investigating Gambia, ask them about their knowledge of countries in Africa, you can start to do art projects, write stories… and it all started with a piece of music!
Let me know how you get on with this - share your experiences and you can repeat this with other songs! Well done!
If you want to do something with less activity for the first time, and perhaps want them sitting down, click here for the homepage and there is a mini-plan and song to listen to straight away! Just press play and you’re good to go!